Lesson Plans


Google Classroom



Señora  Andrea Soto




Spanish II presents the more complex structures of basic Spanish and expands the cultural themes of the first level of Spanish.  This course is an extension of Spanish I that takes what the students have learned and adds vocabulary, several new verb tenses, and more in-depth cultural experiences.



Students will acquire a command of key vocabulary and the structure necessary for personal communication as well as an appreciation of the scope and variety of the Spanish-speaking world.



Students will have an acceptable level of proficiency in the four skills of: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.  They will also gain knowledge and understanding of other peoples and cultures.



Students will have a positive attitude towards learning a second language and will be open to other cultures and ways of thinking.  Students need to have a positive attitude towards correction.  Try not to think of the correction as personal criticism, but as a way of being helpful.  Everyone makes mistakes, whether it is in your first language or another language that you are learning, it is a natural thing.



We will begin where you left off in Spanish I, which is Chapter 9.  Upon completion of the Spanish I book, we will begin the Spanish II books.



Assignments will be turned in during class when I ask for them.  Any assignments not completed when I ask for them will be considered late.  Assignments handed in late will receive only partial credit depending on how late it is turned in.  Same day is -10%, Next day is -30%, up to one week is -50%.  Anything turned in after one week will be -75% to 0% credit.  Do your homework BEFORE class!  I understand that there are circumstances that may warrant a different policy, please talk to me and let me know what is going on so that I can work with you.  If you know that you will be absent from class, the work will be made up before you go.






93-100                                      A

85-92                                          B

78-84                                          C

77-70                                          D

Below 70            F


Chapter Tests are worth 30%, Chapter Quizzes are worth 30%, Speaking and Listening are worth 20%, and Assignments and Attitude are worth 20%.  These areas will be compiled for your Quarter grade.  The Semester Exam will be worth 20% and your Quarter grades will each be worth 40% of your Semester Grade.  Students who miss 8 classes per Semster are required to take the Semester Exam.



Spanish class involves many daily assignments, quizzes, oral grades, and unit tests.  If a student attends class regularly, hands in work, and studies for tests, he/she should have no problem receiving a passing grade.  However, “euros” can be earned to help raise your grade.  “Euros” can be earned by various classroom activities.  Additional extra credit can be earned in many different ways, such as; bringing in and explaining Hispanic-related articles and news items, attending certain activities, or on certain assignments in class.  The most extra credit points that you can earn during a Semester is 10 points.  The “euros” will be kept by the student and may be cashed in at the ends of the quarters.  All “euros” will be cashed in at the end of the Semesters.  There will be no exchanging of “euros” between classmates.   The receiving of “euros” and extra credit, as well as the amount received will be entirely up to the teacher!



You must cover your book and duct tape the workbook.  Students are responsible for keeping their textbook and workbook in good condition.  If they are not in good condition when returned at the end of the year, the student will pay the replacement cost.  Students can choose whether they use a notebook or their computer to take notes.  A folder to hold papers and a writing utensil will be needed most days.  If a student fails to bring supplies, books, workbooks or assignments, they will be given a tardy.


I am here from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and would be glad to help you if you have any questions.  My prep period is 2nd if you need to discuss anything with me.    I am looking forward to a great year with you!



Lesson Plans

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